the van sessions

i went through a period of time in life where i was CONVINCED that i was going to the next fiona apple. i’d grown up taking piano and voice lessons, and after being accepted to my high school’s a capella group, i started dabbling in guitar as well. during my freshman and junior years of high school, hormones raging, i wrote many an emo deadjournal post (to think that those were the original days of blogging blows my mind) and even more emo songs. i didn’t grow up to be fiona apple; despite a few local open mic nights in high school, i learned that while i was okay, good even, i wasn’t great – and let’s face it, you have to be great to make it.

that being said, i can remember being infatuated with music from an early, early age. my mother has a pretty good voice, though she’d never tell you that herself, and i think i got it from her. she, too, loves music, to her core. put on a good song, and she is literally incapable of NOT tapping her feet, or shaking her shoulders (my current signature move, thanks mama), or moving her head from side to side with the beat.  it’s a quality we share.

my mother, however, doesn’t have my soft spot for vocal competition shows, for obscure youtube videos of cover songs, for backseat jam sessions like the ones below. she’ll tolerate me and watch them, saying, “pretty good” – but she’s not transfixed the way i am.

i came across these videos on jamie meares’ blog, and proceeded to watch about 10 in a row. i CANNOT get enough. nicki bluhm and the gramblers, consider me a brand new fan. now, who wants to rent a van and drive cross country with me so we can make music videos like these? folks with musical experience preferred, but all seatmates welcome.

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